In this leasson we want to demonstrate the different attributes for the screenform, such as : ButtonEdit, TextEdit… .
Each screenform attribute has a special attribute.
Each screenform attribute has a special attribute.
These are the screenform attributes that are supported by the VDC Client:
- Edit
- ButtonEdit
- TextEdit
- DateEdit
- ComboBox
- Label
- ProgressBar
And these are the special attributes that are supported for this screenform:
- Edit
- AUTONEXT – go automaticly to the next field, if the field is full
- COLOR – defines the color from the written text
- DEFAULT – Assigns of a default value for this input.
- DOWNSHIFT – Make uppercase letters to lowercase letters
- HIDDEN – make the Edit box invisible
- NOT NULL – accepts no NULL values for this field
- NOENTRY – disallow an etry for this field
- PICTURE – prevents entry of values that conflict with the specified pattern
- REQUIRED – force the user of an input during an INPUT or INPUT ARRAY statement
- UPSHIFT – make lowercases to uppercases
- ACTION (ButtonEdit) – defines a name of the action and send to the program
- IMAGEE (ButtonEdit) – define a image to display in this form
- TextEdit
- COLOR – Color for the Text
- DOWNSHIFT – disallow upper space
- HIDDEN – make the TextEdit invisible
- NOTNULL – aceppts no NULL values
- NOENTRY – make the TextEdit Box uneditable
- WANTTABS – allow tabs in the TextEdit Box
- WANTNORETURNS – reject newline characters if the user pressed the return key
- DateEdit
- COLOR – defines the COLOR of a Date in the DateEdit
- DEFAULT – declare a default value for this field.
- FORMAT – declare the format of this string
- HIDDEN – make the DateEdit field invisible
- NOT NULL – accepts no NULL values
- NOENTRY – disallow an entry in this field
- REQUIRED – force the user of an input during an INPUT or INPUT ARRAY statement
- ComboBox
- COLOR – declares the COLOR of a text in the Combobox
- DEFAULT – set a default value for this field
- DOWNSHIFT – make uppercases to lowercases
- COMMENT – Comment the Combobox
- ITEMS – add items in the combobox (Static)
- HIDDEN – make the combobox invisible
- Label
- COLOR – defines the Textcolor for this label
- COMMENT – Comment the Label
- HIDDEN – If you want to hide the Label
- ProgressBar
- COMMENT – Comment the ProgressBar
- HIDDEN – Make the ProgressBar invisible
- VALUEMIN – The Minimum Value for the ProgressBar
- VALUEMAX – The Maximun Value for the ProgressBar
An example for the commands can be found Attributes and Progressbar
And these functions are supported by the VDC Client:
- ui.Window:
- ui.Window.getCurrent() – returns the object reference of the current window
- ui.Window.getForm() – returns the form object of the current window
- ui.Window.setText(”String”) – set the Window Title
- ui.Form:
- ui.Form.setElementhidden(String, bool) – The boolean can be have 0 or 1
- ui.Form.setFieldHidden(String, bool) – the boolean can be have 0 or 1
- ui.Interface:
- ui.Interface.refresh() – refresh the user interface
- ui.Interface.setText(String) – defines a title for the program
- ui.Combobox:
- ui.Combobox.additem(String, String) – Add a Item to the Combobox list
- ui.Combobox.removeitem(String) – remove a Item from the Combobox list
- ui.Combobox.clear() – delete all items from the Combobox
- ui.Combobox.forName(String) – returns the combobox object identified by the fieldname
- ui.Combobox.getColumnName(int) – returns the name of the column name
- ui.Combobox.getItemName(int) – returns the name of the Item
- ui.Combobox.getItemCount() – returns the current number of the selected item.
- ui.Combobox.getItemText(int) – returns the value of an item on the current position
- ui.Combobox.getTableName() – returns the name of the table
- ui.Combobox.getTag() – returns the user defined tag of this object
An example for the commands can be found here
- aclfgl:
- aclfgl_sendfile_to_ui(path) – send a file from the Server to the Client
- aclfgl_getclientfile(path) –
- aclfgl_send_to_ui(path) – send a file to the Client
- aclfgl_client_execute(filename) – open the file