In this lesson we want to make a new window with folder tabs.
Start by creating a folder.per with:
DATABASE FORMONLY LAYOUT FOLDER PAGE(text=”Information”) GRID { Name: [mx1 ] Last Name: [mx2 ] Age: [mx3 ] Birth: [mx4 ] } END END PAGE(text=”Adress”) VBOX GRID { Street: [mx5 ] City: [mx6 ] Zipcode: [mx7 ] Country: [mx8 ] } END END END END ATTRIBUTES mx1 =; mx2 = FORMONLY.lname; mx3 = FORMONLY.age; mx4 = FORMONLY.birth; mx5 = FORMONLY.street; mx6 =; mx7 = FORMONLY.zipcode; mx8 =;
Now we have two new commands “FOLDER” and “PAGE” FOLDER creates our new tabs and
PAGE declares the name for the new tabs.
Compile this form with “fcompile -xml folder.per”
The next step is to create our main program folder.4gl
MAIN DEFINE name CHAR(50), lname CHAR(50), age CHAR(50), birth CHAR(50), street CHAR(255), city CHAR(255), zipcode CHAR(255), country CHAR(255) CALL ui.Interface.loadActionDefaults(”default”) CALL ui.Interface.LoadStyles(”default”) CLOSE WINDOW screen OPEN WINDOW w_1 WITH FORM “m_folder” CALL aclfgl_sendfile_to_ui("default.4st") CALL ui.Interface.setText(”Folder example”) MENU “Navigation” COMMAND “Ok” COMMAND “Edit” CALL edit() COMMAND “Exit” EXIT MENU END MENU END MAIN FUNCTION edit() DEFINE name CHAR(50), lname CHAR(50), age CHAR(50), birth CHAR(50), street CHAR(255), city CHAR(255), zipcode CHAR(255), country CHAR(255) OPTIONS INPUT WRAP INPUT BY NAME name, lname, age, birth, street, city, zipcode, country END FUNCTION
Our folder window is now finished.
You can compile this example with “4glpc folder.4gl -o folder.4ae”